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Our Mission is to provide resources to the homeless along with advocationg for those who feel abandoned and alone while educating others who havent experienced it.
Serving with our hands, one heart at a time.

LeTitia Owens
Where Are You?
After being homeless herself, LeTitia now uses her vocal ability and talents to uplift the homeless and the needy. After realizing there were so many people that just needed to know they were thought of, the Lord gave her the song: Where Are You? (Written and performed by her and Gospel Artist Fred Hammond) LeTitia is committed to using her heart of compassion and her voice to bring awareness to the world that there are people who feel abandoned and alone on a daily basis and are seeking hope and a hand. Her prayer is after you hear the words to her song you will not only be inspired but commit to serving those in need and become the answer to their prayer.

A growing number of people in the state of Texas do not have a place to live. Nearly 26,000 people in Texas are homeless, with Dallas having the largest homeless population in the state. A homeless individual does not have access to permanent housing and may live on the street, stay in a shelter, mission, single-room occupancy facility, abandoned vehicle, or other temporary dwelling. The main reason for this problem is housing affordability in Dallas. There is a lot of construction of rental supply, but not enough is aimed toward people that are low-income.
LeTitia started Where Are You? Outreach after fasting and praying and understanding from the Lord she was to use her gifts and talents to bless the less fortunate. The outreach puts homelessness on blast through ministry exposing the severe crisis families and individuals are in. The goal is to shelter the homeless. Her talent as an interior decorator opened the door to an opportunity to redesign a shelter and is making way to build a few. She realizes she may not be able to totally eliminate homelessness, but is willing to shake the world and get others involved in solving the problem unyielding.
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